An ongoing commentary from Healthlink Dimensions
Given all of these new requirements, the administration is understandably behind in releasing detailed rules ahead of the January 1, 2022 effective date. Here is a basic summary of the rules released so far.
July 1, 2021 Interim Final Rule key provisions
Member cost sharing detailed rules
Qualifying Payment Amount (QPA) calculation method and audit process
How the QPA is used with both member benefits and provider payments
Required notice from out-of-network providers regarding NSA rights
August 20, 2021 FAQ was released by the federal administration to identify when rules will be released and any delays to enforcement of current rules or NSA requirements.
Transparency tool requirements will be delayed until January 1, 2023 and aligned with Transparency in Coverage requirements
Good Faith Estimates and Advanced Explanation of Benefits (AEOB) will be delayed for all patients that have insurance until rule makers can develop a process for providers to gather and submit the data to health insurers
Good Faith Estimates will still be required January 1, 2022 for self-pay patients and providers need to be ready to generate these quotes
ID card changes are confirmed for Jan 1, 2022 effective date
Provider Directory 90-day validations are still required on Jan 1, 2022 but the FAQ indicates that further rules will be released and insurers given time to comply
September 10, 2021 Interim Final Rule key provisions
Air ambulance data reporting requirements
Transparency and disclosure requirements for enrollees to know direct and indirect compensation their insurance broker receives
Clarifications on federal and state enforcement of NSA regulations
Sept 30, 2021 Interim Final Rule key provisions
Independent Dispute Resolution defined in detail
How NSA applies to Federal Employees under the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Act
Rules for good faith estimates for self-pay patients
Need help understanding or meeting the NSA rules already in place? Concerned about new or updated rules expected to come online in the future? That’s why we built Provider Directory Advantage, the industry’s deepest, most intuitive database of providers, constructed specifically to meet the challenges of the No Surprises Act.
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