Provider Data

Need Accurate Physician Databases and Doctor Email Lists?
HealthLink Dimensions is the nation’s leading source for physician and healthcare provider data. Our lists – the largest verified database of its type in the nation – include more than 1.2 million doctors and 600K NP and PA script-writing providers with over 97% email coverage for MD, DO, NP, and PA providers. Our improved 4x-verification process all but guarantees your emails reach their intended recipients.
Moreover, our provider data has been verified precise and accurate by independent auditor, Alliance/BPA Worldwide, and our data is tested everyday clinical settings nationwide.
Trusted By Diverse Sources Nationwide
Our clients include some of the most recognized pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, health systems, and ad agencies in the nation. And clients stick with us. In fact, we boast a 95% client retention rate for more than two decades.
Detailed Information For Every Provider
Pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, health plans, and marketing agencies look to HealthLink Dimensions to reach physicians and other healthcare providers. That’s because our database contains an unrivaled 6 million records with precise data, including:
Medical specialty
Prescribing and diagnosis history
Health system affiliation
Health plan affiliation
NPI number
Work email address
Medical school
Residency program
Disease or condition focus
“When to Send” data for optimal open rates
And much more

List Verification & Appending
Already Have A List You Trust?
Let us update and verify the accuracy of your current databases, identify missing categories of information, and fill in blanks for email addresses and additional practice locations. Our comprehensive verification ensures that your data is up-to-date, accurate, and ready for effective outreach.