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Product Highlight: Leveraging Rx, Dx, Px, and Sx Data For Informed Pharma Marketing Strategies

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Leveraging accurate and actionable data is critical for driving successful segmentation, targeting, and engagement strategies. In partnership with ICON and Symphony, HealthLink Dimensions provides unparalleled insights through Rx (prescription), Dx (diagnosis), Px (procedure), and Sx (symptom) data to empower pharma brands to optimize their marketing efforts and achieve significant script lift.


Driving Segmentation With Data


Pharma marketers can utilize Rx, Dx, Px, and Sx data to precisely segment their audience. By organizing clinician behavior into deciles, brands can pinpoint the top-tier healthcare providers who are most relevant to their therapeutic areas, ensuring that campaigns are tailored for maximum impact. This data-driven approach allows marketers to focus on high-potential prescribers, improving engagement and business outcomes.


Enhanced Targeting And Engagement


Our advanced data integration goes beyond basic demographic information. With access to robust claims data sourced from major EHR platforms and over 80 commercial payers, we deliver an unmatched level of accuracy in targeting. This level of detail empowers pharma brands to personalize their outreach based on clinical behaviors, ensuring messages are more relevant and resonant with providers’ patient care priorities.


Script Lift And Business Results


Pharma companies partnering with HealthLink Dimensions can track script lift with precision, enabling them to measure the direct impact of marketing campaigns. By analyzing Rx, Dx, Px, and Sx behaviors before, during, and after campaigns, marketers gain valuable insights into which strategies are driving prescription growth, allowing for real-time optimization and enhanced ROI.


About HealthLink Dimensions


HealthLink Dimensions continues to lead the way in providing pharma brands with the tools they need to succeed in an evolving healthcare market. By partnering with us, brands can leverage the power of comprehensive data to create smarter, more effective campaigns that resonate with clinicians and drive measurable business results.


Contact us to find out how we can help you. You can also get more information about our life sciences and pharmaceutical work here.



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