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Feature: Improve Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Email Marketing Whitepaper

Have you wondered how to improve your email campaigns? When we meet with our hospital clients for the first time, we discuss common pain points such as low open rates and engagement challenges. 


Now, with the release of U.S. News & World Report’s 2024 “Best Hospital” rankings, you may be planning new outreach initiatives. We are here to help you prepare, execute, and analyze your upcoming email campaigns. 


We’ll also help you take a closer look at the essential elements to improve email marketing, which include: 


  • Quality Data: Incorporate 4x verification, or triple validation, into your campaigns. This strategy helps ensure your emails will reach the intended recipients. 

  • Precision Targeting: Leverage detailed affiliations data, along with prescription (Rx) and diagnosis (Dx) insights, to personalize your communications. Target healthcare providers with the most relevant messages based on their specific clinical behaviors and institutional affiliations to ensure your campaigns resonate with their daily practices. 

  • Engagement With Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs): Focus your marketing efforts on KOLs, who hold significant influence within their specialties. By targeting providers with the most significant share of voice, you can amplify your message and increase the impact of your campaigns.

  • Data Integrity And Privacy Compliance: Partner with a provider who offers 100% privacy-compliant data to safeguard your brand and domain reputation. Ensuring data privacy and compliance protects your marketing efforts and builds trust with your audience. These factors are essential for long-term success. 

  • Multi-Device And Multi-Channel: Diversify your outreach! As revealed in our 2024 HCP Report, 72% of physicians prefer using smartphones to read emails. In addition, nearly 80% of physicians reported a willingness to receive digital advertising communications.  


Now that you’ve reviewed the key elements of a successful campaign, it’s time to start developing your plan. Whether you’d like to audit or augment your data, create and execute an email deployment plan, or analyze campaign measurements to chart the best path forward, we’re ready to assist. 


Learn more about how we can help you elevate your email marketing campaigns. 



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