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The Art Of Subject Lines For HCP Email Campaigns

Written by Daniel Weinbach | Feb 22, 2023 5:00:00 AM

Email marketing is a valuable tool for healthcare marketers. However, there’s more to email marketing than the body of the email itself. After all, you can write the best email in the world, but it will never get read if the subject line isn’t captivating enough to get your audience to click “open.”

There is an art to creating a compelling subject line, and it doesn’t always come naturally. You may have to do some testing to determine what types of subject lines your audience clicks on and which subject lines get your emails sent to the trash.

So, don’t get discouraged if your emails aren’t yet achieving your target open rates. You might be able to boost your metrics with just a few tweaks to your subject line.

We’ve already discussed what types of subject lines best capture HCP’s attention. Now, let’s go into more detail about how to create compelling subject lines that directly target your audience of physicians.

Tips for Creating Good Subject Lines for HCP Email Campaigns

Subject lines are underrated when it comes to sending emails to HCPs. They are often an afterthought, something we quickly write before hitting “schedule.”

For your next email campaign, we recommend taking more time to thoughtfully craft your subject line so that it effectively relays what your email is about while enticing your audience to click on it.

Here are some suggestions for creating compelling email subject lines that speak specifically to your target audience of physicians and healthcare providers.

Tip 1: Mention the physician’s specialty area

Personalization is critical in email marketing. Physicians get inundated with emails every day. They only want to spend time on those emails that will be particularly beneficial for their practice.

Talking about the physician’s specialty area right in the subject line demonstrates that your email is specifically targeting them.

Tip 2: Verify your subject line’s readability

You’ve done it. You’ve created the perfect subject line. The only problem? Nobody can read the last few words of it.

The solution to this is to test, test, and test again. Make sure your subject line can be read in its entirety on desktop and mobile devices. If it gets cut off, there is a good chance that your audience will ignore it.

Tip 3: Offer incentives

Physicians like a deal as much as anyone. If your email includes some type of incentive, include that in the subject line. That way, your intended audience will be more likely to click “open” so they can access whatever incentive you’re offering.

Tip 4: Include statistics

Having statistics to back up your claims is an excellent way to demonstrate your authority and garner the attention of your target audience of physicians. Make sure your stats come from a reputable source.

Tip 5: Ask questions

Use questions to add intrigue to your emails. People are naturally curious, so they will likely open an email to discover the answer. In addition to getting more open rates, asking questions in your email subject line opens up a conversation between you and your audience. Just make sure to answer the question within the email.

HealthLink Dimensions Can Help Boost Your Email Marketing Efforts

We know that email marketing can be a challenge, especially when you are trying to get the attention of busy physicians.

HealthLink Dimensions is here to help. We offer email deployment services that ensure your emails are sent to the right physicians at the right time. We can also help you optimize your email campaigns. Contact us to learn more.