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Breaking News: 2023 Healthcare Professionals Communications Report Out Now

Written by Daniel Weinbach | May 23, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Our Healthcare Professionals Communications Report is out for 2023, and that means we are taking a closer look at how HCPs across all disciplines reflect on their communication habits and preferences. The results are surprising.

As HCP communication behavior changes, so must ours. Our recent findings reveal what has

changed – and what has stayed the same.

In-Person Meetings Are Coming Back

In-person meetings are beginning to make a comeback, whether with other providers, medical experts, or marketers. This likely reflects the significant increase in the number of HCPs practicing in offices (55% from 46%) and a decrease in the number of respondents practicing in other healthcare settings (down to 12% from 20%).

Overall, these numbers – and communication preferences – reflect a slow return to pre-pandemic norms as more providers transition from alternative practice locations to more traditional office and hospital settings.

Providers Prefer Email Outreach

More than 75% of respondents prefer to be contacted via email for industry communications, which is slightly higher than last year. Professional conferences are the second favored form of communication, rising from 12% preferring this method in 2021 to 43% preferring this method in 2022.

Interestingly, direct mail and in-office visits from company representatives have risen dramatically since last year. 24% of HCPs now favor direct mail, and yet, in 2021, only 4% favored direct mail.

HCPs Prefer Smartphones

Smartphones remain the clear winner for HCPs, with 64% citing them as a primary device. However, HCPs are still using desktops and laptops to read emails, which may correlate with the fact that more HCPs are working from an office or hospital.

Want More?

Our full HCP Communications Report includes many more insights for hospitals, healthcare marketers, and pharmaceutical companies. Request a copy to find out important details such as:

  • HCPs’ thoughts on educational information

  • What types of information HCPs prefer to receive from pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers

  • The best way to invite an HCP to an event

  • Guidelines for patient support materials

  • Social media guidelines

  • What networking platforms are gaining traction